- J-P. Cointet
- Morphogenesis
- Local networks, local topics: structural and semantic proximity in blogspace
- Social and semantic coevolution in knowledge networks
- Team formation dynamics
- Taxonomy of Socialist Party resolutions
- Phylomemetic Patterns in Science Evolution—The Rise and Fall of Scientific Fields
- Synthetic Biology Emergence
- Semantic Landscapes
- A metric for textual content
- Multi-level Science mapping
- Mapping Science Dynamics: a phylogenetic approach
- Authors and Concepts mapping
- Online press serving local democracy – a morphological analysis of political forums in France
- Food Security Frames
- The emergence and development of gene expression profiling
- Diffusion processes
- Tools and Methods
Tag Archives: blogs
Multi-Level Modeling of Quotation Families Morphogenesis
We investigated with Elisa Omodei and Thierry Poibeau the proliferation and diversification of clearly-cut pieces of content: quoted texts in social media. In line with the pioneering work of Leskovec et al. and Simmons et al. on meme dynamics (see … Continue reading
Tracking precursors and laggards
Telmo Menezes, Camille Roth, Jean-Philippe Cointet, Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Social Computing, SocialCom10, Minneapolis, USA, August 2010 Abstract—We explore the hypothesis that it is possible to obtain information about the dynamics of a blog network by analysing … Continue reading
Tagged blogs, diffusion, network, socio-semantic
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What makes a good information spreader ?
Tracking URLs and their diffusion through citation paths, one can describe information cascades in a blog network. Given these data it is possible to find correlation between the capacity of a blogger to spread new information and her/his position in … Continue reading
Tagged blogs, diffusion, influence, network, socio-semantic, spreading, weak tie
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Tracking systematic influence between groups of agents
We wish to know if there exist some groups whose content are synchronized with or influenced by some other groups — the influence is understood here as the fact that (i) the use by some groups of sources of a … Continue reading
Title: Social and semantic dynamics in knwoledge communities: morphogenesis and diffusion (Dynamiques sociales et sémantiques dans les communautés de savoirs: morphogenèse et diffusion.) [Thesis (in french), pdf], [defense slides (in french)]et [résumé] – obtained the “Prix de thèse” 2010 of … Continue reading
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Tagged blogs, diffusion, information representation, knowledge community, morphogenesis, network, scientific community, socio-semantic
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Happy Flu was built as a viral marketing campaign which contained tools to track its propagation on the network. The experiment took place from July 08, 2008 to September 18, 2008. Five bloggers were selected among our relatives and were … Continue reading
Social and semantic coevolution in knowledge networks
Two knowledge communities are studied: a scientific community made of researchers collaborating to produce publications, and a set of american political blogs producing posts and citing each other. These two systems are extensively compared regarding (i) their structural features, (ii) … Continue reading
Local networks, local topics: structural and semantic proximity in blogspace
Blog networks are often described as “small world” social networks where individuals would potentially be topologically close to most of the other actors. On the other hand, links would be primarily created towards similar-minded individuals and well-connected bloggers, suggesting a … Continue reading